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Our Science

Company in the development of new biomedicines

Our Science

Company in the development of new biomedicines

Our Science

(Antisense Oligonucleotides)

Antisense nucleic acid treatment technology is a third-generation drug development technology using oligo nucleic acids such as DNA/RNA/PNA. It effectively suppresses the expression of disease genes by specifically inhibiting the production of disease-causing proteins through acting on mRNA, which is the pre-stage of protein production. Therefore, it is a next-generation drug development technology that enables the development of new medicines for targets that were impossible to develop.

(Peptide Nucleic Acids)

PNA is polymeric compound in which the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA is replaced with a peptide backbone.
Unlike DNA/RNA, it has excellent in vivo stability and has very high binding affinity with target genes.



PNA is electrically neutral, unlike negatively charged DNA/RNA, so it is difficult to transfer into cells and self-aggregation occurs.

(PNA Oligonucleotide technology)

POLIGO technology is an ASO technology using PNA, which maximizes drug delivery efficiency so that nanoparticles can be made through Backbone modification of PNA and easily penetrate cells and tissues that are difficult to deliver. POLIGO technology is a novel therapeutic technology that efficiently suppresses disease-causing gene expressions by using target specificity in which PNA selectively binds to target genes.

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